Option 2 for fence amended for Year 9 Subject Guide Postcard v2

Established in 1955, Queen’s High School is a school with a proud heritage of educational excellence in all aspects of girls’ education. Situated in the leafy suburb of St Clair, Queen’s High School is within walking distance of St Clair and St Kilda beaches and other natural features that provide Queen’s with a learning environment that is as varied and rich as the gardens that surround it.

Queen’s High School has a roll of approximately 550 students from Year 9 to Year 13.

Our students learn in an atmosphere of academic excellence, take part in school activities in grounds of superior quality and have dedicated teachers’ committed to providing a first class education.

All Queen’s girls are encouraged and challenged to achieve to the very best of their ability and Queen’s is renowned for its academic success. This success is due to the school’s willingness and ability to provide personalised learning for all students, a key requirement of  the New Zealand Curriculum.

We look forward to meeting you and your daughter as she prepares to embark on a life-long love of learning. 

Clubs and Activities

We have a vast range of extracurricular clubs and activities for you to participate in, enjoy and make new friends. Further details here.

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