The Library is staffed by Ms Anna France and a team of dedicated student librarians who assist at intervals and lunch times. The Library is open throughout the school day, including all break times. 

Our Vision

The Queen’s High School Library will:

  • support the teaching and learning needs of the Queen’s High School community
  • support students in the pursuit of their individual reading and information needs, and assist them in developing life long learning skills
  • provide access to appropriate resources that support the curriculum and meet the needs and interests of library users of all ages, abilities and background.

Further details are contained in the Library's Strategic Plan.

Quick Links

To search our school library web catalogue go to: Library Catalogue

You can also login to the web catalogue to see what books you have issued, renew books and place reservations.  See the Librarian for login details.

If you would like to access ebooks and audiobooks you can use the following service:Queen’s eBook library 

Please contact for a log in or if you need assistance.

Borrowing Books

Books and other resources are issued for 4 weeks. Students may borrow up to 4 books at a time.

Returning Books

Students are encouraged to return or renew their books on or before the due date. Books can be returned to the box outside the Library or to the returns box inside the entrance. Students and their caregivers will receive emails when a book is overdue.  If a book is not returned within 4 weeks of being overdue the students' school accounts will be charged for a replacement copy of the book.   

Reserving Books

Books that are out on issue may be reserved through the web catalogue or by asking a librarian. When a reserved book is available, the student will be emailed. 

Resources for Parents

We have several books that may be of interest to parents. To borrow one of the titles below, please contact the librarian.

  • Nuturing gifted and talented children (Ministry of Education publication)
  • The politically incorrect guide to teenagers by Nigel Latta
  • Understanding NCEA : a relatively short and very useful guide for secondary school students and their parents by Irena Madjar and Elizabeth McKinley
  • Beyond cyberbullying : an essential guide for parenting in the digital age by Michael Carr-Gregg

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