Uniform 2023


The Queen’s High School uniform is smart and contemporary.

At Queen’s High School students are expected to take pride in their appearance and to wear their uniform correctly at all times. In a manner which brings credit to themselves and the school.

Blazer Year 9 – 13: Mid blue (compulsory) 
Skirt Anderson tartan pleated kilt (below knee) – NZ Uniforms
Trousers Queen's High School regulation trousers - NZ Uniforms
Shirt Long or short sleeve plain white shirt, with top button – NZ Uniforms
Jersey Woollen mid blue, v-neck jersey. (School crest) – NZ Uniforms
Tie Queen's Tie, Year 13 wear a tie with the crest - NZ Uniforms
Socks White ankle socks (must cover ankles) or Black knee high socks or tights
Shoes Black hard leather lace-up shoes (conventional school shoe style)
Jacket Plain black waterproof jacket over blazer (optional – to be worn outdoors only)
Scarf Plain black (fine weave only) or Anderson tartan
PE Uniform Available from NZ Uniforms

We are very proud of our uniform and encourage all of our students to share that pride.  Queen’s High School uniform can be purchased from NZ Uniforms, Moray Place, Dunedin.

There is also a Uniform Shop onsite, this carries second hand uniform only. Please contact the School Office to find out the opening hours.

Appearance and Standard of Dress

Students are expected to wear the correct uniform at Queen’s High School.  Students are also expected to keep themselves and their clothing clean and tidy, and to present a good image of themselves to the community. Students who do not meet our standards of dress and appearance may be withdrawn from normal classes until the matter is resolved.


Hair must be a natural colour and tied back with a plain band, behind the shoulders at all times.


Polyprops or similar tops worn under a student’s shirt must not be visible.


Taonga are permitted. No other jewellery is permitted except for a named watch, one ring and two small studs/sleepers in each lower ear lobe or outer ear.  Items of jewellery are not to be obtrusive or obvious.

No facial piercings are permitted.


Makeup, artificial cosmetic enhancements or nail polish are not permitted.

The school reserves the right to determine whether a student's general appearance is not in compliance with the school uniform and dress codes.


Only traditional tattoos with cultural significance are permitted to be visible.

Cell phones

For students in Years 9 to 11, cell phones must be kept at home.  If students require their cell phone for use either before or after school it must be handed in to the school office for safe keeping prior to the start of the day bell, where it can be collected at the end of the school day. Smart watches are considered an extension of a smart phone, thus the same rule applies.

For students in Year 12 and 13, they will be required to have their cell phone off and in their bag during the school day.


Queen's has a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) to school programme where all students are able to bring a device as long as it is compliant with the minimum screen size requirement of 9.7”.   We require all new Year 9 students to have a device that is internet ready with a keyboard, such as a Chromebook.

Students are required to sign a contract agreeing to abide by  the rules and regulations around the use of electronic devices and network access.

Stationery Lists for 2025

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Year 12

Year 13

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