At Queen's we use ‘live reporting’ through the Kamar Parent Portal as our primary means of reporting on student progress. This is a current and immediate way to report on student achievement. It also allows teachers to report more specifically on different areas of the curriculum as well as report more clearly on progress towards certain assessments. Comments will be brief and provide specific feedback linked to either Achievement Standards (in the senior school), curriculum objectives and/or learning for the term (in the junior school). The comments might be more informal than traditional reports.

There is no set time that these reports will be ‘issued’. The nature of this type of reporting means that each Learning Area decides when it is most timely to update whānau on progress. Comments will be dated, so you will be able to see when a teacher has commented on an area of the curriculum. You can expect one comment per term for each of your daughter’s classes. You will also receive a Fortnightly Progress Report for your daughter.

The school sends out reminders each term to check the Kamar Parent Portal. The Portal can be accessed here - KAMAR Parent Portal. Go to Results, Current Year Results.

Whānau without internet access are to contact the school to gain access to your daughter’s information.    

There will also be opportunities to meet with teachers face-to-face. 

What this means for whānau:

- All reports can be accessed through the Kamar Parent Portal.

- You will need to check the Parent Portal every 2-3 weeks for new comments.

- It would also be a good time to check we have your current email address.

You can of course contact us at any time during the year to discuss any matters relating to your daughter’s progress at school.


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