Te Ihi - Courage
Te Wehi - Integrity
Te Wana - Excellence

The student support and pastoral care network aims to provide guidance and support for all students so that their time at school is happy and profitable. An important feature of the student support network at Queen’s High School is that the staff involved are in a pastoral care role and not a disciplinary role. Making sure that students are secure, welcome and ready to learn is a high priority for Queen’s High School.

Learning to take responsibility for her own progress and behaviour is a focus for each students. There are clear systems for prompt monitoring of behaviour and identifying need for further intervention.

Queen’s has a structure for support which includes:

Form Teachers who monitor wellbeing

Academic mentors who monitor and support academic progress

Deans who each have responsibility for the care of a year level

The Counsellor and Pathways Team work with the Deans in supporting and guiding students

Senior Leadership Team members who link with year level Deans

The Deans have the particular responsibility of keeping a watch on the welfare and progress of students at each year level. They meet regularly with Form Teachers at their year level and work closely with the school’s specialist counselling and careers staff.

Our counselling team consists of a full-time Counsellor, Deans at each year level, and a Co-ordinator for our international students. Our teacher of Māori works alongside our Māori students and they can join the whānau class where they receive support from both the teachers and other students.

Support is given in:

Motivation and confidence building

Personal problems

Health and well-being

Family issues

Personal relationships

Setting and attaining personal goals

Developing skills and achieving qualifications

Study organization and time management

We expect consistent, firm management in classrooms so that teachers are able to provide variety in their teaching activities and students are free to learn to the best of their ability.

Senior students assist junior students as peer associates, in House Groups, on the School Council, through sports coaching, in cultural groups, on the Health Committee or in service clubs. This role modelling supports the junior students while providing leadership experience for the senior students.

Discipline matters are referred to the Assistant Principal, Deputy Principal and Principal.

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