The Queen’s High School Parent Student Teacher Association (PSTA) is an organisation made up of parents, students and staff which fundraises for some of the extras, for our daughters at Queen’s. We also organise fundraising events.  Our meetings are held in the staff room on the first Monday of the month at 6pm and usually last for just over an hour. We are a friendly, relaxed group and would love some new members.

Please contact the school if you are interested in joining or at least putting your name down to help with activities. It’s not hard work and we have a lot of fun. Remember, “Many hands make light work”.

At a recent meeting the PSTA contributed $25,000 towards resources for our students.  This includes money towards a new school van, devices, sports tops and library resources.  

The Parent Student Teacher Association is also active in the life of the school.  We help at Open Night and another couple of events throughout the year.  Please contact Sharon Stumbles for more information.

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